dear lottery

dear lottery

Dear Lottery, My fingers trace the familiar worn edges of the ticket, the numbers I carefully chose staring back at me with a hopeful, silent promise. Youve been a constant companion in my dreams for years, a whispered possibility of a life transformed. A life where bills are paid with a smile, where dreams are no longer just distant stars, but tangible opportunities within reach.I know youre a fickle mistress, dear Lottery, a game of chance where luck reigns supreme. Yet, I cant help but cling to the glimmer of hope you offer. Every time I buy a ticket, a part of me believes that this time, this one, will be the lucky one. I picture the joy on my familys faces, the relief washing over us like a tidal wave. I see myself finally taking that trip to Italy, the one Ive always dreamed of. I envision a future where financial stress is a distant memory, replaced by the freedom to pursue my passions.I know its just a dream, Dear Lottery, a fleeting fantasy. But you fuel a fire within me, a flicker of possibility that keeps me going. You remind me that miracles can happen, that even the most improbable dreams can come true. So, Dear Lottery, I continue to play, not because I expect to win, but because you embody a belief in the unknown, a chance to rewrite my story. And even if I never hold that winning ticket in my hand, youve taught me to dream big, to hold onto hope, and to appreciate the beauty of lifes uncertainties. Perhaps thats your greatest gift, Dear Lottery, the reminder that life itself is a lottery, and even in the midst of the ordinary, theres always a chance for something extraordinary.

dear lottery